I'm glad that you had done all the hard work for us Justin!! Lovely!

"allow the Blue player to stop anyone else from having any fun". Described all the blue players with perfection!

Cheers! Subscribed!

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I take umbrage with the number "roughly 49,998". If that's not an exact count, why wouldn't you round it to roughly 50k? I know it's pedantic, but someone had to say it.

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Great article. I think you missed that in China you cannot show skeletons so there are Chinese alternate art cards - like these https://squt.tripod.com/error8.html

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Add in the search text used in scryfall, gatherer, etc so we can get the up to date numbers the more this letter gets stale?

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That was fun, glad I subscribed. I know you love board games from listening to GameScoop, if you wanted to tell us which ones and why you love them, I’d like to read it.

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