Welcome to Paperwave

A newsletter about all of our favorite cozy objects. Paper cards, wooden tokens, plastic pieces. You know... the important stuff.

Paperwave is about cardboard.

Paperwave is about school book fair nostalgia.

Paperwave is about how cool it is the first Magic: the Gathering cards are now almost 30 years old, and have transcended the game itself to become actual, culturally significant artifacts.

Paperwave is about how there’s a Lego pirate base made from a wrecked sailing ship, and underneath the base, almost completely hidden away, is a little half-submerged Lego skeleton. I seriously love that skeleton.

Put more plainly and perhaps a bit less pretentiously, this is a space to explore, share, and discuss about board games, card games, puzzles, art books, and other tangible objects. Both nostalgic analog artifacts from our collective youths, and eye-catching new games, books, and items just being made today. There will be photos, essays, explainers, quick hits, and deep dives.

This newsletter is not intended to be for the hardcore. In fact, just the opposite. If you’re someone that has admired or has an affinity for Magic cards, D&D sets, miniatures, and other analog items, but haven’t submersed yourself in that world, Paperwave should be perfect for you. We can explore all this awesome stuff together.

Please tell your friends and loved ones. I genuinely appreciate the support. It really means a lot to me.

Subscribe to Paperwave by Justin Davis

A newsletter about all of our favorite cozy objects. Paper cards, wooden tokens, plastic pieces. You know... the important stuff.


Collecting cardboard since 1985. Video game guy by day, but not-so-secretly an analog gamer and book lover by night.